Monday, June 1, 2020

Wonders of white vinegar in health and beauty - 825 Words

Wonders of white vinegar in health and beauty (Research Paper Sample) Content: WONDERS OF WHITE VINEGAR IN HEALTH AND BEAUTYIn this hard economic times majority of people can't afford the necessary beauty products that are today considered a luxury. For this reason I have come up with unique ways to use vinegar as a health and beauty product, the above tips are something I use frequently and my desire would be that it helps you too.Mouth washWhite vinegar can be used as a homemade mouth wash, the acetic acid present in white vinegar kills bacteria , just fill a bottle with part half water part half white vinegar , shake it and for use just gurgle some for one to five minutes. That will work wonders and saves you money on expensive much needed mouth washHair conditionerFor any lady who has run out of hair conditioner and it's the middle of the month before the salary comes into your account don't panic white vinegar will be able to do the trick for you just in time, just mix half part water half part white vinegar, shake it together and after was hing your hair with a shampoo apply your home made conditioner and leave it to settle for five to ten minutes then wash it off.Unlike other conditioners in the market that are laden with chemical white vinegar doesn't have any chemical, After Washing off ,your hair will be able to detangle easily and it also seals your hair cuticles, which locks in moisture and leaves your hair looking shiny and smooth helping with hair growth and reducing hair lossAthlete foot remedyThose with athletes feet or smelly feet can now get an affordable remedial by using white vinegar, the acetic acid in vinegar kills fungus and soothes itching and take away the smell. Soak feet in 2 part white vinegar and other part water for 15 minutes.Dry the feet and ensure to remove your shoes out to dry and also wash your socks with white vinegar mixed in the washing water, continuously do this until the infection is gone and no smelly feet either.Long Lasting nail polishLadies if you want your nail polish to las t longer ensure before you apply the nail polish dip your finger nails in white vinegar or dab the nails with a cotton wool in vinegar solution and paint as usual.The white vine...

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